Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Indiana Jones: The Curse of George Lucas

I've seen "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," and I enjoyed it. It only marginally beats out "Temple of Doom" for the #3 spot in terms of Indiana-ness, but it was a far more enjoyable flick. It felt great to have the character of Dr. Jones back, period. The first time I saw the silhouette of that damn hat, I got goosebumps. Harrison Ford is frakking super old-timey, old now but he's still Indiana Jones. I loved the concept of the story, moving forward 20 years into the middle of cold war and implying that Jones had been working for the government as a spy off/on. Mostly the movie was a fun, summer time thing.

Yet, even the genius of Spielberg and Ford (plus a butt-load of CGI) couldn't prevent this movie from being cursed by the series' creator. George Lucas is like story kryptonite. I have no idea how it happened, but the man responsible for some of the most original and beloved films of all time has lost the ability to tell a full and rich tale. I don't want to spoil the ending but let's just say it felt kind of like George wanted to remake all of the Lucas and Spielberg catalog into one 2-hour sitting.

Stop it George. Just stop it. Let the writer's write and you do... whatever it is the hell that you're doing these days. South park was right, this man has be stopped. No more prequels, no more digital remasters and for the love of god no more fucking LEGO versions of my childhood heros!