Monday, August 4, 2008

The Dark Knight

This movie doesn't just make the other summer "comic book," movies look shabby, it makes all movies that have been released in the last 2-3 years look pretty pathetic. The Dark Knight not only delivers the endless thrills that a great superhero film should, but it is seamlessly woven into a gritty and beautifully tragic morality tale. I frakking loved this new Batman series because it has brought to life the actual Dark Knight landscape that Frank Miller and Alan Moore really set into motion 20 years ago. This Batman has real issues to deal with. Criminals that are competent, vicious and will hit him where it hurts.

The cast in this film was utterly amazing. Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman aren't mailing it in here folks. These acting giants are given supporting role and yet find ways for these men not become cliched sidekicks. Gary Oldman is indeed a freak. The guy is beyond "method acting," and it shows because right now I can't even remember him as anything but Commissioner Gordon. Maggie Gyllenhaal, is not only a better actress than Katie Holmes/I'm trapped in a closet/Cruise but she is actually believable as a Gotham City assistant DA. Not the DA though, because that role was made for Aaron Eckhart whose Two Face almost steals the film from Batman, if it weren't for another character that you may have heard about. Christian Bale has suddenly embodied Batman without having to apologize for it (I'm looking at you Clooney). Can anyone that sees this film and even take Michael Keaton seriously in the role? I realize that those movies were done a while back, but I almost want to walk up to Tim Burton and kick him in the balls for trying to deliver an "edgy"Batman series and utterly failing. Bale's Dark Knight is badass. He's hurt, angry and just a little bit crazy but above everything he is a hero. I cannot wait to see Bale do the same with the new Terminator franchise (hopefully).

And yet any Dark Knight review wouldn't be complete without mountain of praise for the departed Heath Ledger. I don't believe the hype that Ledger killed himself after going to "too dark a place," while playing the Joker. I think this is an insult to Ledger's ability to master his craft. He's brilliant fucking actor that mixed too many pills. This Joker may prevent any other actor from portraying him ever again. I'm serious too:) He's that good. Nicholson's Joker was a comic book caricature mixed in with the "Jack" that audiences love. It was enjoyable because of the role's absurdity and wit. Ledger turned the Joker into, as the character says "a better class of criminal." I haven't been scared of a villain in a long time. He makes you laugh but it's a nervous laughter because this Joker doesn't just enjoy chaos, he needs it. This version of the Joker is an actual psychopath and the best part about the character is that we never know the "why." We never get anything resembling the "true nature" of the Joker or fully understand why he sets things into motion which makes him utterly terrifying.

Above all Christopher Nolan's team deserves the most credit because the story and script make all of these characters and the world they live in seem too real and yet unimaginable at the same time. Somebody from this film deserves one of the meaningless shiny award statues, only to prove that those contests are not completely out of the loop.
The Dark Knight reigns supreme.